Non-Profit Federal Credit Union Exceeds SLA Guarantee with Entuity



A non-profit federal credit union found Entuity to have out-of-the-box flexibility, 快速实现和易于使用. Entuity delivers both management and network engineer level reports on uptime, 设备可用性, 设备库存和利用率. Entuity also integrates well with other management solutions.

  • 将IT SLA可用性提高到99.75%,超出保证目标
  • Enhanced Help Desk call resolution with meaningful alarms, improving ability to serve members
  • 提高作业效率
  • Leveraged intelligent reporting to improve network utilization
  • 改善与电信运营商和互联网十大赌博正规老平台提供商的关系, 提高端到端性能和可用性
  • 防止十大赌博正规老平台中断


  • Network 性能和可用性 problems impacted the guaranteed SLA requirement of 99.5%
  • 没有端到端十大赌博正规老平台监控,没有有意义的警报
  • 预算限制
  • 缺乏一致、可靠的报告
  • 需要维持高水平的成员十大赌博正规老平台


在“人与人之间互相帮助”的理念下, 这个联邦信用合作社是会员制的, 非营利性金融合作社, 也是美国最大的信用合作社之一.S. and the largest educational credit union overall with more than 260,000 members.

Their vision is to deliver world-class personal service to members through its 100 automated teller machines (ATMs), 24小时自动电话交易十大赌博正规老平台, 网上银行系统. They recognize that delivering exceptional value means providing operational excellence by combining service with technology and continually streamlining procedures, 业务流程和IT系统.

实现这一愿景, IT Operations is responsible for guaranteeing the organization’s stated service level agreement (SLA) of 99.5%的十大赌博正规老平台可用性. 信用社增加了新的分支机构, 新成员, 以及新的应用, 其SLA下滑至98的平均区间.9 to 99.1%的可用性.

另外, IT Operations relied on a rudimentary tool to “ping” their applications to determine availability. This ping capability was not adequate for truly measuring service degradation, 表现或失败. 正如他们的网络工程师解释的那样, “We determined that a state-of-the-art solution providing event correlation and reporting capabilities was required to monitor the overall performance of our networks end-to-end and to generate meaningful alarms if a network event occurred.”

作为一个非盈利组织, they found balancing growth in membership with member expectations and budgetary responsibility to be a challenge. They needed a solution that could ‘manage itself’— be easy to use, 基于网络的, 并且不需要额外的资源.


  • 需要维持高水平的成员十大赌博正规老平台
  • Availability management that distinguishes between network, server and application problems using root cause analytics, 根据业务影响确定问题的优先级.
  • Performance management that predicts problems before costly business interruptions occur, 使用十大赌博正规老平台降级敏感性.
  • Resource management that take inventory of network assets, 他们的连通性, and their logical dependencies in parent-child and peer-to-peer relationships.

“We selected Entuity because it provided both event suppression and fault correlation. 与Entuity, we easily find where a problem is occurring without the system logging everything that is being affected.”

另外, the IT Operations team selected Entuity based on its following capabilities:

Entuity pinpoints information, detailing what the problem is and where it is located. It provides the performance statistics of individual objects and ports and takes the performance of other ports into consideration.

  • 开箱即用的灵活性,快速实现:
    安装花了15分钟,在3小时内完成, 发现超过6个,000 interfaces (approximately 400 devices) within the network.
  • 直接的有效性:
    安装后一小时内, Entuity provided crucial information on where problems were occurring in their network.
  • 易用性:
    工作人员不需要接受正式培训. 在几天内, IT团队正在审查和分析数据, 利用Entuity的内置帮助系统, 事件查看器和报告功能.


改进的SLA可用性: “Within 90 days of implementing Entuity, we improved our IT SLA availability to 99.75%, exceeding our stated guarantee objective,” explained the network engineer. 与Entuity, IT Operations is able to isolate and proactively resolve performance issues with the WAN, 电信运营商和互联网十大赌博正规老平台提供商.

提高十大赌博正规老平台台效率: 项目实施后3天内, 信用合作社的十大赌博正规老平台台是孤立的, troubleshooting and fixing problems they weren’t even aware existed. Entuity greatly improved help desk call resolution, improving their ability to serve its members.

Entuity helped the IT team locate performance degradation in the network. 基于这些关键信息, 该团队升级了网卡以提高速度, 性能和可用性. These improvements relieved network congestion and reduced help desk call volumes.

影响分析: “Utilizing Entuity, we discovered performance degradation caused by our telecomm carriers and ISPs. Entuity provided us with the detailed information and impact analysis to evaluate situations in real-time. For example, we quickly located a mis-configured ISDN line and bad cabling. We proactively worked with our service providers to resolve and improve these situations, increasing the overall performance of our applications and preventing service disruptions,网络工程师说.


  • 将IT SLA可用性提高到99.75%,超出保证目标
  • Enhanced Help Desk call resolution with meaningful alarms, improving ability to serve Members
  • 经济有效地提高了运营效率
  • Leveraged intelligent reporting to improve network utilization
  • 改善与电信运营商和互联网十大赌博正规老平台提供商的关系, 提高端到端性能和可用性
  • 防止十大赌博正规老平台中断

“We determined that a state-of-the-art solution providing event correlation and reporting capabilities was required to monitor the overall performance of our networks end-to-end and to generate meaningful alarms if a network event occurred. 与Entuity, we are not inundated with alerts; rather we receive intelligent, 有意义的信息和行动迅速.”

拥抱数字化世界观, Entuity provides digital network analytics for the changing enterprise. 我们的高度自动化, unified, enterprise-class solution puts deep network insight at your fingertips, 使IT人员能够专注于战略项目, and easily integrates with major framework environments. Entuity’s support and services teams are frequently praised for their rapid response, networking expertise and involvement in special engagements.