

我们的网络不会崩溃. 我们有冗余.

与不同规模和行业的客户合作, Entuity has amassed significant experience in identifying and diagnosing network risk factors. Even companies who had implemented what they thought were proactive policies were surprised and blind sided by what Entuity network management software found lurking just below the surface of their networks. The basis for most issues was that the companies simply did not know enough about their network’s health and were unaware of the impending danger. This paper is the first in a series where we look at common misconceptions about network management through the real-life experiences of various companies. The aim of each issue is to bring to light network risk factors, 用例子量化这些风险, and—most importantly—give you the prescription to keep your network from becoming terminal to your business.

Most IT personnel rightfully associate “stability” with not “crashing.“这个行业反映了这种思维方式, standardizing on mean time between failures (MTBF) as an accepted measure of reliability. 但随着硬件和通信协议的进步, 不考虑自然灾害, you may be hard pressed to remember the last time you had a complete network outage. 事实上, modern network architectures purposefully build in redundancy to the point that complete outages are largely a thing of the past. 虚假的安全感, 然而, can cause you to miss more pervasive and increasingly frequent instability issues.

That was precisely the experience of a major financial Servicess company before using Entuity. They had already invested millions of dollars in a network management framework and spent thousands of labor months deploying the application. 不幸的是, the framework lacked the link-level visibility to indicate that the primary fiber connection between the company’s two main campuses had been down for some time.

的原因? A construction crew installing new utility poles alongside the parking lot severed the backup fiber link. 通常, 这不会是一个问题——如果, 这是, the IT staff had known that the primary link had failed and had been able to fix it right away. 而是因为他们的框架解决方案看不到失败, the staff didn’t know their redundancy had been compromised and that they’d been running over the backup link for weeks before it was severed. 除了恐慌, 加班费要缩减, and the emergency 十大赌博正规老平台 call from the fiber repair contractor, this outage impacted millions in financial transactions for this company. 除了, 框架解决方案是一项巨大的投资, 但却没能提醒他们裁员的风险.

公司是否一直在使用Entuity, they would have had the benefit of several features that would have quickly notified the IT staff that trouble was ahead. 这些功能包括不断更新的库存, topology maps that provide clear visual indicators of the status of 设备s, 港口, 链接, 和十大赌博正规老平台, and an embedded Event Management System (EMS) that eliminates event storms and allows focus on the most important events. Entuity还支持十大赌博正规老平台级别监控, which would have allowed the team to define a 十大赌博正规老平台 that consisted of the primary and backup 链接.

通过将它们的冗余监控为一种十大赌博正规老平台, the team would have had port-level visibility meaning they would have known that the port for the backup connection (which was normally down) came up (and they were now running on an expensive link) and that the primary link had failed. They would have further known about the subsequent failure of the backup.

Another financial trading company discovered how little they knew of their network’s health during an evaluation of Entuity. 在他们的设施安装软件后不久, Entuity alerted an operations manager to a fan failure in one of their core switches. 有一个次级风扇还在运转, but the temperature data being collected by Entuity clearly showed an increase that would go critical in a few days.

The software evaluation team took a brief intermission to immediately fix the situation. 关于继续评估, investigation of a core router revealed a secondary power supply failure—a risky situation. 显然,球队又进行了一次紧张的中场休息. 这两种情况, 他们目前的“红灯”, green-light” monitoring tools reported that the 设备s were “up,却让他们对即将到来的厄运视而不见. A failure in either of the two cases would have left business users without access to the trading applications they need to complete their jobs. Hundreds of users idle and 客户 unable to make trades would certainly have been a disaster.

The consequences of the lack of visibility into the true state of the network can be severe. Traditional framework network monitoring solutions and lower-end tools simply don’t go deep enough to catch all or most of the issues that may pose a threat to the network. Entuity starkly contrasts with these products by providing detailed, easily accessible network information that enables businesses to catch potential problems before they happen. 功能,如连续自动发现, 最新拓扑图, 先进的EMS, 十大赌博正规老平台, 设备, 和港口液位监测, and industry-leading dashboards and re港口 enable companies around the world to dramatically reduce the risk factors that may be lurking just below the surface of their networks.