

详细的网络流量带宽规格的网络流量, so you can monitor and deliver maximum availability for critical 应用程序.


Entuity™ real-time network bandwidth monitoring software facilitates your network visibility and shows who’s talking to whom, 每隔多久?, 要多久?, 使用哪些端口和协议, 以及交换了多少数据. With a top-down perspective of your network that can scale with ease to any network size, the network bandwidth analyzer helps you reduce Mean Time to Restore Service (MTRS) and Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) across your network (or your customer’s).

Prepare for future growth by shedding light on the 接口 that see the most and least use with the 网络流量分析器. 与Entuity的灵活和可定制的仪表板, the network bandwidth monitoring tools present both flow- and element-based perspectives in context.


  • 识别高带宽应用程序消耗
  • 识别网络拥塞
  • 确定网络流量的目的地


G2落23个企业网管软件龙头徽章 G2坠落23网络性能监控最佳结果徽章 G2落23企业网络监控软件最容易使用的徽章

How Entuity Compares to Other 网络带宽监控软件 Tools

G2 Grid®网络管理软件


  • 为关键业务应用程序提供带宽

    Observe longitudinal traffic patterns in increments as precise as 1 minute so you can determine exactly which 协议 and traffic classes are experiencing bandwidth starvation. Monitor which end users are causing bottlenecks or which types of traffic are the most resource-hungry and probable to contribute to network congestion so that you can respond in kind to keep crucial business services up. Move ahead with confidence by determining bandwidth patterns to facilitate better capacity planning.

  • 监控子网和云应用之间的流量

    随着云计算越来越流行, your need to understand the cumulative effects of a mass of workstations in specific locations (e.g. 部门, 办公室, subnets) that communicate with 应用程序 on public/private cloud environments grows. IFAP gives you immediate access to bandwidth patterns and historic trends for specific subsets of traffic, so you can determine where the network meets availability and performance requirements.

  • 评估网络对业务十大赌博正规老平台的影响

    Networks are increasingly distributed, with a massive amount of endpoints. 你必须知道你的交通从哪里来,从哪里去. Use network bandwidth monitoring software to understand which business services are supported by the different links in your network. Keeping a record of where your bandwidth stands allows you to prioritize allocation of resources for precise troubleshooting and proactive management.

    Larger networks are also increasingly difficult to defend from external attacks. IFAP can help you detect potential DoS attacks by identifying abnormal network bandwidth behavior within your network. Networks are holistic systems – when one aspect faces an issue, there will be consequences elsewhere. Entuity 网络路径监控 allows you to easily keep an eye on how the network affects traffic flow and vice versa.

  • 简化配置

    您可以完全控制带宽数据的收集, and we’ve consolidated flow configuration and management into a simple process that matches the flexible and accessible nature of Entuity. It’s easy to enable or disable flow collection through the Flow Inventory page, 从特定的流量容器, 或选择设备的“上下文菜单”. 从“流量清单”页面管理所有网络流量收集, providing you with an overview of all 设备s configured for flow and insight into the flow data on all configured 设备s and 港口.

    Assign as many flow collectors to Entuity servers as its license permits, and deploy additional servers to seamlessly handle large volumes of collection or when traffic must be localized geographically. Gain complete visibility of which flow collectors are assigned to which server or servers, 以及与每个收集器相关的设备, 没有行政负担.



  • 流量数据表

    The Flow Data dashlet displays flow data in chart and table form for the selected View, 设备, 虚拟机平台或端口.

  • Flow-Enabled设备

    The Flow-Enabled设备 dashlet lists the 设备s or 港口 on the selected managed object that are enabled for flow. Use this dashlet to start or stop flow collection on a selected 设备.

  • 流的总结

    The 流的总结 dashlet displays a summary of flow data for the selected 设备. Use this dashlet to start or stop flow collection on the selected 设备.

  • 流量TopN汇总

    The 流量TopN汇总 dashlet displays topN information for flow-enabled 设备s.



企业网管软件 ties together all aspects of flow and bandwidth management – information on network congestion, 网络流量的目的地, 应用程序 consuming high bandwidth percentages – as part of your wider enterprise network management, 监控和分析软件.

  • Remote Server Flow Collection: Network Flow collection is aggregated into a simple process – collect flow from a local collector, 并管理来自远程十大赌博正规老平台器的收集.
  • 实时粒度:实时可见最高带宽使用情况, so you can identify 主机 with suspiciously high numbers of active conversations with granularity of 1 minute.
  • Adjustable Data Retention: Retain your data for longer than just a month. 存储多年的合并数据, dependent only on memory size and get detailed re港口 down to a granularity of one minute.
  • Custom Data Analysis: View flow data in the way that best suits your process, 结合11个分解:对话, 接口, 应用程序, 港口, 主机, 听众, 语言, 协议, QoS类, DSCP类, IP优先级类.